Oct 6, 2008

Where is Nathan?

Scouts had a lock-in last Friday night. The idea is to come for fellowship, fun, food, electronic games, movies and lots of pop and stay up all night.

Planning was left to the boys and as things sometimes go, the Annual Popcorn Sale began Saturday (get your checkbook out) so the boys stayed up all night then at 9am went out door to door selling for 3 hours, then after a quick lunch, they went to Rosa Parks park where they helped work on someones Eagle Project (painting, fixing, planting, cutting, etc.)

I picked him up at 4p.m., at which time he was looking quite well, eyes and speech clear-even a chipperness about him.

He took at 50 second shower and sat at the bar to watch me make homemade pancakes at his request. I think he lasted 15 seconds before he was laying across the bar asleep. I had to drag him to the couch as he is taller and heavier than me, where he stayed for 4 hours until I told him we were going to bed and strongly encouraged him to join us. He heated 2 pancakes (which he couldn't remember the next morning) and went to bed until 9:00 Sunday (although it seems as if he really just woke up today). He looked very rough all day, much like he does when recovering from an illness.

He was sorely disappointed in missing out on the hot, fresh chocolate chip pancakes as he had been requesting them for weeks. When I asked him what he had for lunch the day before he said "Well, a Mom brought bologna sandwiches so I just had 2 pieces of bread and the potato chips". Nothing like a few carbs to keep you going after staying up all night.

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