Dec 16, 2008


Which would you prefer? Being caught in such a whirlwind that you don't have time to blog? Or having lots of time but nothing to say in a blog? Does balance really exist? Can it be achieved while raising 4 children, 3 cats and a dog?

I have so many photos dating as far back as September that I was just loading (and longing after) and had to post this one from late September, when the lake had begun her descent into hibernation for the winter. The water temp was 62 and the air was not much warmer.The forecast for the following day was in the low 50's and Nathan needed to perform this water rescue if he wanted to advance in rank the following week so it was no or never. It is difficult to imagine that we were in the same dull, harsh, unforgiving Michigan that surrounds us right now. And yet, she returns each spring without fail.

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