Mar 13, 2009

Last night Doug took the girls to the 20th Annual Father/Daughter Banquet at The Pinnacle Center.
I knew I should have pinned a PBJ under Adrianna's dress for fear of her starving. They were served "chicken with grill marks on it, plain white rice and vegetables that were so soft that you could put them on the roof of your mouth and squish them there". She did have 2 dinner rolls and 2 pieces of chocolate cake. Cake always saves the day does it not?

Getting her hair even brushed out is very traumatic for Adrianna. It can easily become a battleground filled with tears, grim attitudes and threats to cut it short like Solomons (her threat, not mine). These curls took awhile and even a book couldn't distract her the entire time. Upon completion, she asked to pull it back into a pony. I countered with an offer to pull the front off her face. I was pleasantly surprised that she didn't ask to wear her mud boots.

Franchesca came home with smiles and stories of Jimmy Needham (the musician) asking his wife to marry him by sending her on a scavener hunt in an evening gown AND MUD BOOTS! through a wet field to a gazebo where he played/sang a song he wrote for her asking her to be his wife.

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