Feb 7, 2009

Growing, in size, age and wisdom

UUUUUUM. Yes, if anyone is still following this blog-I haven't given up.
I told myself one particularly difficult day when I was feeling the pressure of _____(lots) that I was done blogging. Boy did that take the anxiety away but the residual feeling of something left undone remained and so.....

I thought what I would do tonight before closing my eyes is throw up a few pics. No explanations, no title, not a hint as to the story behind them. Somehow, just seeing this page waiting to be filled, I feel unable to post without adding something, even the (illegal in our house) word "um". More on that another time.

Nathan recently sold his first dirtbike on Craigslist (yes, even in the midst of Michigan's worst season) and bought a bigger, faster, more ominous sounding replacement. He couldn't stay off, even in the snow.
Did I mention he celebrated his 13th Birthday on January 19? Back blogging is so frustrating. One would guess I don't like doing this from my infrequent posts.

1 comment:

dharmagirl said...

i'm glad you posted:) i look forward to you new posts, whenever they appear!