Nov 17, 2007

Entering the Blog Zone

Welcome to our blog! After much pondering, I've decided that a family blog will be a good way to share our happenings with friends and family, and get me journaling about our life. The idea does seem a little overwhelming. With so many different aspects of our life, what will we blog about... Learning at home? Doug's portfolio of homes that is working on? Just the kids? Day to day living? We'll see how it develops. Because I have what I consider a "tech disability" it will probably take me some time just to figure this whole blogging thing out.

I'll begin by trying to add a photo of our recent trip to Florida as we celebrated 15 years of marriage. It was a nearly perfect trip with amazing weather and lots of down time for reading on the beach, collecting shells, playing backgammon and exploring the island in our little silver PT Cruiser convertable while listening to Christian jazz (think about that one). Thanks again to all who so generously contributed to our investment in our marriage.

As my dial-up allows, our blogging adventure begins...

1 comment:

dharmagirl said...

welcome to the blogosphere:) i'm so happy to connect to you here!