Sep 20, 2011

That was then, this is now

Beyond 1992

It isn't the all white, fairytale wedding
but the marriage has withstood
the tests of life.
And it is good.

Photographer for following pics: The Kids

Lost: Wedding

Yesterday was our anniversary.
19th to be exact.

Having a pretty sick child who wanted me to sit next to him all day afforded me the luxury of spending over an hour putting together a grand post, filled with words, not just pics.. A thoughtful post, overflowing with details, emotions, detailed descriptions of the event contrasting the beautiful, all white, fairytale wedding day to the reality of how to traverse the path of  marriage during the good and the not so good.

When I tried to preview the post, an "error" showed up in red. Deciding to forego the preview, I hit "Publish" only to see "there was an error in saving this post". Quickly checking my draft posts, I was stunned. In this high tech world, my precious post that I spent much thought and time on- was gone.

So. I will simply post a few "Then" pics and leave the story to your imagination, cherishing the details in my mind.

Sep 18, 2011


After being on the road commission's "list" of ditches that need cleaned out and various u-turns on my part to climb up on county dump trucks to talk to the drivers about what could be done, we finally found a solution. Without mentioning "The Gatekeeper" and the obsurd hoops we jumped through to get ahold of the right individual, we simply filled out an application, paid a measly $10 to the county (then paid a whole lot more to rent the excavator) and simply did it ourselves.

There is hope for a great (dry)horse pasture someday.


and to the volunteer who drove the dumper
and enjoyed air conditioning all day..

Everyone helped

Delivering water was essential

 A job always needs
way too many supervisors

 And of course,
a photographer

This was Doug's idea of fun


You may have noticed that I've changed things around a bit. The blog for bits, bridles, halters and all things equine related can be found at

There is also a link on this site to it if you do not know how or care to bookmark. I will be posting our kids as well our friends of equine on there so if you are interested in following Jamesgang kids, you should visit that site.

This spring Nathan joined Michigan Civil Air Patrol which is the auxilary of the United States Air Force and is a perfect fit for him. He has always been a very regimented, organized, militaristic type of kid and boy, does this program let his talents, strengths and dreams come alive. Even the PT comes natural to him- the first week he ran the mile in less than 6:30 with no prep at all. Bragging aside, I will post more on his amazing week at encampment soon. Here are a few pics of my eldest baby boy...

Sep 6, 2011

Project II

I found a few more pics from Eagle Project

This is a swamp in the spring.
How to get er done...
Removing the unsightly the hard way,
Or, doing it the easy way.
Seems that little pine wouldn't need a chain saw.
Solomon still struggles with peeing in the woods.
Some folks don't.
This was our only way out until the bridge goes in.
Good thing I was in gymnastics cause
I wasn't about to butt scoot across that thing.

Sep 5, 2011

My "vacation"

Several weeks ago I realized that other than 5 Day Camp, I really didn't do much away from home. (I did 1 overnight with a friend, shout out to her right now).

I realized that the usual pattern is for Doug to take the boys, either on campouts or airshows I decided to take the older 2 and gave them the directive to "take me on vacation". What started out with stinging bees and being rear ended out into M-45 turned into a fabulous mini vacation of playing cards, reading, floating down lazy creeks, battling waves, taking a dune schooner ride. Eating Turtle sundaes and black bean burgers on the grill with guac, hummus and pita chips. Didn't they pack well? My only concession was the coffee; we still haven't bought one of those nifty camping coffee making gadgets so it was jarred Starbucks Frappies which I grow less fond of each time I drink one.
My Eagle setting up camp
Home away from home
Free facial from the sandstorm
The wait for the schooner ride (over an hour)
Nathan picked the wrong seat. The driver got a towel out
but all those soaked people just watched as he
dried the schooner off...
Franchesca and I were thankful
he took the hit for us!
We were chilly from the breeze and we were dry!
The water is SO much cleaner as you go north.

Thanks for an amazing time guys.