Feb 19, 2008

Overgrown Tadpole

Part of the fun at Great Wolf Lodge is a separate area for frogs, or people with great balance, who enjoy leaping from one giant lilly pad to another without falling in the water. The lilly pads are anchored to the bottom of the pool but are still able to float around, based on the movement of the frog upon it. For tadpoles or anyone new to the game, there is also a rope ladder hung up above to grab onto if one should lose their balance or need to regain composure after leaping.

Doug, who is always couragous in the face of a something new and dangerous, took the challenge and stepped into the line of kids under the age of 12 and all under 5' tall. Upon studying the video, his greatest disadvantage was his height as he had to hunch over enought to avoid getting tangled in the rope ladder thus throwing off his weight distribution to such a degree that by the 3rd lilly pad, he was upside down or sideways and quickly underwater. So desperate was he for success that he spent much time observing and interviewing all the smallish tadpoles who would hop flawlessly across the pond in virtual seconds. Unfortunately, all the advise in the world couldn't offset his God given physical virtues. He held up well under the scrutiny of casual observers and even began to feel like somewhat of a celebrity when the lifeguards spent most of their time watching him trying to master the impossible. (Aren't they supposed to be watching for drowning kids?)

I so long for pictures of the event to post but I was always laughing so hard that I couldn't focus.

Here's a few of my frogs at rest.

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