Jan 10, 2009

The Breakfast of Champions

I've been a bit concerned about Adrianna's limited food list as it is shrinking (and there has never been a ton on it). She doesn't like very many foods and honestly, isn't really interested in eating very often (she MUST get that from Doug).

This week in an effort to get some good, old fashioned FAT into her (not the good kind either) and encourage her appitite, I bought her favorite thing: frozen, breaded chicken. (Horror).

She was tucked in when I returned from the store so I told her what I had bought and said goodnight. When morning arrived, she actually jumped up, made her bed, got dressed and began pleading for me to let her have "just 1?" piece of chicken for breakfast.

She is growing according to the charts. It seems like just yesterday this pic was taken.

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