Sep 5, 2011

My "vacation"

Several weeks ago I realized that other than 5 Day Camp, I really didn't do much away from home. (I did 1 overnight with a friend, shout out to her right now).

I realized that the usual pattern is for Doug to take the boys, either on campouts or airshows I decided to take the older 2 and gave them the directive to "take me on vacation". What started out with stinging bees and being rear ended out into M-45 turned into a fabulous mini vacation of playing cards, reading, floating down lazy creeks, battling waves, taking a dune schooner ride. Eating Turtle sundaes and black bean burgers on the grill with guac, hummus and pita chips. Didn't they pack well? My only concession was the coffee; we still haven't bought one of those nifty camping coffee making gadgets so it was jarred Starbucks Frappies which I grow less fond of each time I drink one.
My Eagle setting up camp
Home away from home
Free facial from the sandstorm
The wait for the schooner ride (over an hour)
Nathan picked the wrong seat. The driver got a towel out
but all those soaked people just watched as he
dried the schooner off...
Franchesca and I were thankful
he took the hit for us!
We were chilly from the breeze and we were dry!
The water is SO much cleaner as you go north.

Thanks for an amazing time guys.

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