I don't believe I've ever noticed
as much smiling and sheer happiness at a wedding.
Perhaps that is because I was able to travel about and be in your face
instead of sitting in a pew staring forward.
The setting definately allowed for all to really share
up close and personal, even if we sometimes needed to read lips
or simply read along with the program.
Is this not blissfullness captured?
And gladness?
And security?
And joy?
I'm walking on sunshine, woah hoah
and don't it feel GOOD?!
"I now pronounce you"....
(Tell your Aunt it's press passes only from this point)
Right about here I was told that tactfully told that my ride was leaving.
The idea was that people would head straight for the reception destination
thus heading off any lengthy "receiving line" under dire heat stroke conditions.
I am glad I lingered as I caught a few nifty shots.
Then I realized quickly the view that I was missing
from the other side of the hill
and I began running.