Jul 30, 2012

A New Place


Hats off to my friend who recommended an amazing spot in northern Michigan
as a potential destination for a short getaway.
I must admit I was a bit reserved after some of her movie "reviews"
and seeing her make coffee WITHOUT MEASURING.
Also the fact that she eats raw cookie dough.

 She was spot on this time though.
I did some research for a place to camp on "Gatorade Lake"
(the kids named it that based on its color)
but found a great, best kept secret about a mile away
right on Grand Traverse Bay so we had the best of both worlds.

Rocks abound in the bay and Doug kept us entertained
for long periods of time throwing stones at the rock below,
jutting out of the water before the surf could temporarily hide it.
It became a family competition, with me of course
trying to photograph it.

Because he is no reflection of me AND with his permission,
I share some of his finer moments of the trip.
Yesterday I posted one of a (dead) crab that he was posing to look like
it was biting his finger.
Here, he uses one of its claws to pick his teeth.
(My husband is NOT a reflection of me. Repeat)
Above, he claims to have developed gangerine on his big toe
from the crab biting him.
Luckily, the children are easily amused.

Sadly, as he was playing Bear Grylls, embellishing stories
of how to start a fire in a dire situation,
Nathan's special survival knife well, didn't survive.
Hopefully it is still under warranty.

Initial research on the lake showed this stock photo.
I figured the chamber was either editing the ariel view
or we've been missing out on the cleanest, bluest water in Michigan.
(this photo imported)
It was true.  Multi-colored water for miles andmiles!

My chair.
Where I attempted to read my book.
Some vacations are so exhausting.

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