Prune: to cut off or cut back parts of for better shape or more fruitful growth
-Merriam Webster
Jan 23, 2009
Be Nice, You Two
Nathan and Franchesca were goofing around on his birthday, she was singing Happy Birthday in her opera voice and generally bugging him; throwing things in his hair repeatedly after he had asked her to stop. Being a boy, he resorted to physical dominance to try to subdue his (perceived) attacker.
I was huddled UP on the hearth, in front of the fire trying to generate some heat. (See future blog for advise from teenage son on this topic). I had been playing with my camera, deleting pics and pretending to shoot a few for "technical reasons". I was recording them the entire time. I got a few shots of them in the midst of the struggle for control. It was super funny to see him get her hands tied and make her promice to stop just to watch her throw more decor into his hair and the battle resume. Frequently, she will be injured from this sort of play. She always returns. They are only 20 months apart and have always been really good friends.
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