Jan 23, 2009


Keeping up with this house is an ongoing, never ending series of little tasks, that when done consistantly, will keep the officials from condeming it. Nothing formal although I've researched lots of ideas and tried several official "systems". One thing that I have to do is when I notice that 1 of the commodes needs cleaned is to immediately get the cleaner (which is blue), raise the lid, coat the bowl and leave. Someone (including myself) eventually needs to use the facilities, wonders about the blue and reminds me that it needs scrubbed. If I walk away without first coating, forget it. Today I coated the bowl early in my bathroom early, then walked away. Later I asked Solomon to assist me with the 14 t-shirts of his waiting to be carried to his room. As he walked past, he moaned "OOOH, I LOVE THAT TOILET SMELL".

Here he is at Nathan's Boys Only Sledding Party

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