Jan 1, 2012

Trumped By a Baby

Some years are harder for me to get it together at Christmas time.
This was one of them. Something had to give: The blog.
A week before Christmas
and under pressure,
we chose the perfect day
to find our tree.
It was snowing.
We have been buying from the same people for years but,
out of fear, or the need for variety, or ease,
we turned around upon seeing a sign for Fresh U-cut trees.
Live. And learn.
I missed my first big clue that came in the form of a yard sign
declaring  handmade wreaths and
Hmm. We burn our brush.
I didn't even notice the words on the sign
until posting this pic.
 Now, I claim no expertise when choosing trees,
however my husband and I have planted
several thousand pines.
My 2nd clue was also overlooked,
that being the yearling field,
lined with bright little orange flags which indicate
where each little sapling was planted.
The flag to tree ratio was WAY out of proportion.

We found parking easy and very abundant,
also very close to the small building
(boasting of warm drinks and mints).
Which is odd. 3rd clue.
I did begin to feel a bit suspect inside
as we excitedly set out into the22 acres of pines.
Just some of the surroundings I guess.
And yard decorations. And junk.
 We had a blast running through the snow, chasing Lily,
everyone debating over the trees,
Tiny? Grotesquely huge? Charlie Brown tree?
Our choices,
very limited despite "22 acres"
were narrowed and someone suggested Rock, Paper, Scissors.

 Everyone helped lug the tree,
which was in the "spruce field"
back up to the truck.
I of course, came up behind with camara and dog
so I did not hear the seller tell Doug the amount of the tree,
based on it's height and spruce price per foot.
As I was getting into the truck I did hear the man
telling me that I "would never go wrong with a Frasier,
it will NEVER drop an ornament".
Confused about the comment, I glanced in the checkbook
to discover that we had just bought a nice sized Frasier Fir tree.
At top dollar. And NOT at spruce prices.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, Mr. Seller of Trees

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