Feb 28, 2009

Please Excuse the Mess

While Doug was playing cards, Nathan was playing air soft in the dark and the 3 smaller kids watched Black Beauty, I chose to mess with my blog. I can easily have my mood lifted by making slight changes in ANYTHING; moving furniture around, rearranging a cupboard, cleaning out the medicine cabinet or even parting my hair on the opposite side (sounds mildly neurotic but that's life when you stay in Michigan all winter).

So, here's to the days getting longer, warming up and becoming more of a friend than a foe.

Perhaps I do have time to blog on occasion. As we know, there hasn't been a day since the beginning that the sun has not been shining. We don't always see it, it is there, but oh what power is in it when it does break through.

Feb 27, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Yesterday, Adrianna approached me and asked if I heard her practicing "Oh, I Wish I Was in Winn Dixie" on the piano. (She has seen the movie and ? thinks that is a city in the south? )
Solomon was reading to me some story with a character by the name of Will. He found this terribly funny for some reason and I asked him if he knew what my Dad's name is (William). He responded in a very sarcastic, confident bordering on arrogant tone, and said "OF COURSE, DADDY"! (We didn't name him Solomon for nothing).

Most kids go through a phase when potty words or any words having to do with bodily functions are extremely funny. If someone tries to suggest that perhaps we shouldn't make fun of perfectly normal but sometimes personal incidents, they become even more tantalizing to the tongue. Solomon has been a bit delayed with his interest in these ideas and has begun repeating things that don't even make sense just to hear the word. Several days ago I was applying creme to Franchesca's hands for winter dry skin and he began insisting that he have some. When I told him his skin is as soft as a baby's bottom he busted out and hasn't stopped exclaiming the beauty and sheer genius of that phrase.

Words take on an entire new meaning when they rhyme with gas or butt.

Oh, I wish I WAS in Dixie, or anywhere warm and sunny.

(Pic from Florida 2005)

Blue Eyes

I pack up the kids homework when they have finished a subject or book, one more good use for those plastic tubs with lids. (No, definately not eco-friendly).

I always have fun looking back on earlier years to see how far we've come, especially in the area of handwriting and drawing. We often have 3-ring binders with special papers or just sketches in them from that year and I often slide a photo of that person in the front of the binder to show who it belongs to and what they looked like that year.

I recentely came across on of AJ's. Check out this fantastic pic (not referring to photo quality but to subject matter). I don't have a digital copy of this so I shot the original (tacky but true).

OOOH, I want another one of these. They should use her for doll prototype. I've changed my type color to blue in her honor.

Feb 7, 2009

Growing, in size, age and wisdom

UUUUUUM. Yes, if anyone is still following this blog-I haven't given up.
I told myself one particularly difficult day when I was feeling the pressure of _____(lots) that I was done blogging. Boy did that take the anxiety away but the residual feeling of something left undone remained and so.....

I thought what I would do tonight before closing my eyes is throw up a few pics. No explanations, no title, not a hint as to the story behind them. Somehow, just seeing this page waiting to be filled, I feel unable to post without adding something, even the (illegal in our house) word "um". More on that another time.

Nathan recently sold his first dirtbike on Craigslist (yes, even in the midst of Michigan's worst season) and bought a bigger, faster, more ominous sounding replacement. He couldn't stay off, even in the snow.
Did I mention he celebrated his 13th Birthday on January 19? Back blogging is so frustrating. One would guess I don't like doing this from my infrequent posts.